Funeral Packages
Based in Prescot, Merseyside, we strive to provide clarity when it comes to funeral costs and services. We’re committed to providing the best funeral that we can, ensuring that a fitting tribute to the deceased is made. You’re of an affordable, easy-to-arrange funeral with us, with pre-paid options on the table at all times. Call us now to learn more.

See below information regarding the basic packages, please see our standard price list for further costs.
Direct to Cremation
+ Disbursements
This includes:
The Removal of the Deceased to Our Premises
Coffin Suitable for Cremation, With Engraved Nameplate
Our Professional Services i.e. Attending to All of the Funeral Arrangements
Use of the Motor Hearse Only, on a Day and Time Suited to Us

Please Note: This service does not include a Service in the Crematorium

Service to be held 9 or 9.30am. (The basic funeral DOES NOT include hygienic treatment of the deceased, use of the chapel of rest). Bearers not included.
Basic Plan
+ Disbursements
This includes:
The Removal of the Deceased to Our Premises
Light Oak Effect Coffin Suitable for Burial or Cremation, With Engraved Nameplate and Fittings
Our Professional Services i.e. Attending to All of the Funeral Arrangements
Use of the Motor Hearse Only From Our Head Office, No Church Service and Meet at Crematorium/Cemetery
Simple Plan
+ Disbursements
This includes:
The Removal of the Deceased to Our Premises
Light Oak Effect Coffin Suitable for Burial or Cremation, With Engraved Nameplate and Fittings
Our Professional Services i.e. Attending to All of the Funeral Arrangements
One Day in Chapel of Rest, Viewing Within Normal Working Hours*
Part Hygiene Treatment. If Funeral is Delayed for More Than Two Weeks Because of Family Wishes or Coroner an Additional Embalming Fee Will be Required
Use of the Motor Hearse Only From Our Head Office or Agreed Address, No Church Service and Meet at Crematorium/Cemetery

Service to be held before 10am or after 3pm. Bearers not included.

Does not include deceased resting at home or bearers. Additional limousines available at extra cost.
Popular Plan
This includes:
A High Quality Oak Veneered Coffin
One Limousine
Professional Fees
Chapel of Rest, Viewing Within Normal Working Hours*
Hygiene Treatment.
children funeral
free of cost
Our services are provided free of charge for children under the age of 16 years old. This includes the provision of a Snowdrop coffin and our professional and supplementary services, including a hearse or other suitable funeral vehicle.